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Serving Rice's Aeronautical and Astronautical Needs since 2001

Why Join AIAA?

AIAA’s more than 31,000 members chart the course for aviation and space. The AIAA is an international technical forum, with students and aerospace professionals from universities and corporations around the world. You want to make contacts? You want to get ahead in the industry? AIAA Student Membership is your fast track to both.

Through the Rice AIAA, you can meet and share ideas with other students, take part in AIAA activities and competitions, and take advantage of AIAA career development services.

  • AIAA undergraduate student members can attend most of the more than 25 AIAA Technical Meetings for free. And our graduate students members pay an extremely reduced rate.
  • AIAA’s undergraduate scholarship program offers 30 scholarships of $2000 each to college sophomores, juniors, and seniors each year. You’ll also have the opportunity to renew your $2000 scholarship annually until you graduate.
  • If you’re an AIAA student member when you graduate, you automatically receive one free year of membership and a second year at half price.

For more information and to become a member, visit:

Text adapted from http://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=187.